This resetts every month! You can see the current monthly goal on stream.
This month we do the goals as soon as we can!
Updated 2023-03-02
Goals of March
Exercise wheel 🎄€25
Giveaway time €150
Take a walk 2 hours outside 🕰️€175
Insta 5x spicy Jellybeans 🌶️€200
Ice bucket challenge next month🧊€269
300 SQUATS 🎥€300
BLUE hair GOAT!🏊‍♂️€325
Cooking Sundays next month🌭€350
Goat bakes bread🥖€450
Swim next month penguin 🧊€500
Spicy insta 2x noodles🌶️€550
You join me in the store🎣€700
Insta- Carolina Reaper🌶️€1000
Goat bakes bread🥖€1200
The GOAT suit🐐€2000
Cruise trip may ⛵€3000
Giveout free hotdogs 🌭€5000
The Vasa Ski Race 2025 🧊€7000
Goat fly to Ukraine 🇷🇴 €10000